Chances of COP26 success about 6/10, UK PM Johnson says

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson attends a conference about the COP26 UN Climate Summit, in London

ROME (Reuters) – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Saturday he estimated the chances of a successful outcome to the United Nations COP26 climate change summit at about six out of 10.

Britain hopes the summit in Glasgow, which begins on Oct. 31, will adopt plans to help move closer to the target of limiting the rise in the average global temperature to 1.5 degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Asked if he still rated chances of success in Glasgow as six out of 10 as he did in September, Johnson told BBC TV: “I’d say they’re about the same.”

“What we need to do is to ensure that at the COP summit next week the world leaders come together and make the commitments that are necessary,” he said in Rome where he is attending a meeting of leaders of the group of 20 major economies.

(Reporting by Elizabeth Piper, writing by Michael Holden)

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