Indonesia navy seizes two tankers carrying palm oil

FILE PHOTO: Aerial photo of oil palm plantations in Dumai

JAKARTA (Reuters) – Indonesia’s navy seized two tankers carrying crude palm oil, palm olein and methanol for what it said were permit and paperwork violations, in an operation conducted a day before a palm oil export ban took effect, it said on Thursday.

MT World Progress violated vessel specifications in its travel document, while the other ship, MT Annabelle carried methanol without a permit, said the navy, which has been deployed to enforce the export ban, which took effect midnight Wednesday.

MT World Progress was traveling from Dumai on Sumatra island towards India carrying 34,854.3 tonnes of palm olein, while MT Annabelle was seized off Borneo island, heading to Shajrah in the United Arab Emirates, the statement said.

(Bernadette Christina Munthe, Writing by Fransiska Nangoy; Editing by Martin Petty)


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